sábado, 15 de dezembro de 2007


Vimos informar que temos à venda Bolo Rei nos seguintes locais:
Macau: MacTim Cafe (Largo da Sé), Tacos (NAPE)

We would like to inform you that our Xmas Cake is for sell at:
MacTim (Largo da Se) and at the Tacos Restaurante (NAPE)

Na Taipa no Gourmet e Hyper Gourmet temos Bolo Rei como outras doçarias Natalicías.

In Taipa at the Gourmet Supermarket and Hyper Gourmet we have the Portuguese Xmas Cake as well other typical Xmas delicacies.

Também vendemos no nosso posto de fabrico (tel:28760376) como também fazemos entregas em qualquer parte da RAEM.

We also sell at our bakery (Tel:28760376) and we deliver anywhere in Macau SAR.

No caso de pretender a nossa lista de Natal, envie-nos um email para cafeoumun@gmail.com e a lista sera-lhe enviado dentro de 24h.
Boas Festas.

If you would like to have our Christmas order list, please send us an email (cafeoumun@gmail) and the list will be sent to you in less than 24 hours.

pimp myspace profile

quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2007

Destination Macau

Cafe Ou Mun to close
On November 5, one of Macau's most celebrated Portuguese coffee shops - Cafe Ou Mun - will close its doors.
Why? The rent is simply too high.
The cafe's owner, Fernando Marques will focus instead on growing his bakery, and continue to sell his famous Portuguese bread throughout Macau.
Cafe Ou Mun ("Ou Mun" is the Cantonese word for "Macau") is the second casualty in recent months to close because of rents going through the roof in downtown Macau, near the Senado Square along Travessa de S. Domingos. Its neighbor, CaffeChocola was forced to close its doors due to rent hikes and before that, another famous Portuguese cafe - O Barril - which was open for years had to close as well.
Fortunately, this little lane off Senado Square is still home to a popular Portuguese eatery, Platao; an Italian restaurant known as Caffe Tuscana, a more recent Portuguese restaurant known as Boa Mesa and a lovely French place called La Bonne Heure.
Sebastian Pompele, owner of La Bonne Heure is worried.
"I was really sad to see CafeChocola go, and now Cafe Ou Mun," Pompele said. "We really hope to stay on, but the rents are getting really high. I had to close my other restaurant on Praia Grande for the same reason."

Taken from: http://www.destination-macau.com/macau/

Cafe Ou Mun in Japanese

カテゴリ グルメ その他
住所 マカオ
説明歩き疲れて、ちょっとゆっくり休憩するのにぴったりな喫茶店といった感じ。落ち着く空間です。飲み物は多種類で、パンやケーキといったサイドメニューも豊富です。場所は、セナド広場マクドナルド横の道を入ったところ。MILK TOP(アイス)の向かいにあります。


sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2007

Segunda, dia 5-Nov-2007 Monday Nov, 5th

Estimados clientes,
Informamos que o Café Ou Mun estará aberto no dia 5 de Novembro, segunda-feira.

Dear Customer,
We would like to inform you that Ou Mun Cafe will be open on Nov 5th, Monday.

Encerramento do Cafe Ou Mun - 澳門咖啡

Exmo. Cliente,

Lamentamos informar que devido a um aumento de renda incomportável o Café Ou Mun irá encerrar as suas portas no próximo dia 7, Quarta-feira.

É nossa intenção reabrir o Café Ou Mun brevemente pelo que manteremos os nossos contactos e os clientes disso informados.

A todos quantos nos acompanharam neste projecto, desde colaboradores a clientes, o nosso muito obrigado.

Os contactos serão os mesmos:
Tel: 28372207
Fax: 28786713
E-mail cafeoumun@gmail.com ou cafeoumun@macau.ctm.net

Dear Client,
We are sorry to inform you that due to a high increase of the rent Café Ou Mun is going to close on Nov 6th, Wednesday.
We intend to open a new Café so soon you will get some news from us.
I and my staff would like to thank you for all your support during the last 6 years.
Our contacts will to be the same:
Tel: 28 372207
Fax: 28 786713
Email: cafeoumun@gmail.com
Blog: cafeoumun.blogspot.com

quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2007

Natal - Xmas

O Café Ou Mun na época natalícia oferece vários produtos tipicamente portugueses. Temos desde o tipico bolo rei, o tronco de natal, as trouxas entre muitos outros produtos.

Devido ao encerramento do Café Ou Mun - 澳門咖啡 no dia 7 de Novembro de 2007, as encomendas de Natal estarão disponiveis apenas via email ou fax.

Se pretender receber a nossa lista de Natal escreva-nos um comentário a este “post” ou um email, deixando o seu nome e email.

quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2007


Mais uma vez o Café Ou Mun estará presente no Festival de Gastronomia de Macau na Praça em frente à Torre de Macau.

Os clientes podem contar novamente com o Pão com Chouriço, Tigeladas, Bolo de Chocolate Ou Mun entre outros produtos.

7th Macau Food Festival

This major event features over 100 booths with themed delicacy areas: Macau area, Asian Cuisine area, Greater China area, Portuguese and European area, Japanese and Korea area, and Dessert area. Dance performances, magic shows, and other special activities will help put the fizz in this popular annual event. Once you're done eating, you may visit the "World of Dinosaurs" - where 13 lively mechanical creatures from the past are sure to leave you enraptured!

Date: Nov 16 - Dec 2, 2007
Time: 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. (Mondays to Thursdays);
3:00 p.m. to midnight (Fridays to Sundays)
Venue: Sai Van Lake Square
Admission free

Association of Macau Restaurant Merchants
Macau Restaurant Workers' Union

Macau Journalists Association
Associação de Cozinheiros de Culinária Chinesa de Macau
Associação de Empregados de Restaurantes e Padarios de Macau

Macau Government Tourist Office
Macau Foundation
Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau

terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2007

Is Macau in danger of losing its soul? by Jennifer welker

Is Macau in danger of losing its soul?
Comment by Jennifer Welker MACAU - On November 5, one of Macau's most celebrated Portuguese coffee shops - Cafe Ou Mun - will close its doors. Why? The rent is simply too high. The cafe's owner, Fernando Marques will focus instead on growing his bakery, and continue to sell his famous Portuguese bread throughout Macau. Cafe Ou Mun ("Ou Mun" is the Cantonese word for "Macau") is the second casualty in recent months to close because of rents going through the roof in downtown Macau, near the Senado Square along Travessa de S. Domingos. Its neighbour, CaffeChocola, was forced to close its doors due to rent hikes and before that, another famous Portuguese cafe - O Barril - which was open for years had to close as well. Fortunately, this little lane off Senado Square is still home to a popular Portuguese eatery, Platao; an Italian restaurant known as Caffe Tuscana, a more recent Portuguese restaurant known as Boa Mesa and a lovely French place called La Bonne Heure. Sebastian Pompele, owner of La Bonne Heure is worried. "I was really sad to see CafeChocola go, and now Cafe Ou Mun," Pompele said. "We really hope to stay on, but the rents are getting really high. I had to close my other restaurant on Praia Grande for the same reason." ---- We want to know what you think. Is Macau at risk of losing its home-grown restaurants? And will this affect the soul of this city?

Please write with your views to jennifer.welker@redantmediagroup.com


sábado, 6 de outubro de 2007


Fernando Marques para alem de proprietario do Cafe Ou Mun 'e tamb'em o seu padeiro-pasteleiro.
Os bolos e pao sao diariamente feitos pelas suas maos.
Para al'em dos seus paes e bolos serem vendidos no seu cafe sao igualmente vendidos em diversos supermercados locais, tanto em Macau como na ilha da Taipa.

Surpreendidos por falta de agua

Hoje o Cafe Ou Mun acordou sem agua. Pusemos a hipotese de corte de agua pela SAAM, apos telefonema o caso nada tinha com a SAAM. Fomo ver o contandor de agua e parte do tubo de agua tinha desaparecido.
Telefonamos para o canalizador para vir ver o caso. Apos 30 minutos o canalizador apareceu, olhou e disse: O vosso tubo de agua foi cortado.
Contou-nos tambem que esta semana tinha saido num dos jornais chineses que Chineses turistas estavam a vir a Macau para roubar cobre devido ao seu elevado custo.
Assim o nosso tubo de agua de cobre foi-nos roubado para ser vendido... Sem comentarios.
Durante a manha o Ou Mun esteve a meio gaz, pois nao tinhamos qualquer agua.
Agradecemos a compreensao de todos os nossos clientes pelo inconveniente causado.

sábado, 7 de abril de 2007


Folar de Pascoa tipico do Algarve


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